Thursday, October 15, 2009

Blog Action Day: Climate Change

Blog Action Day: Climate Change seems like the perfect day to talk about one of our sustainable enterprises, seaweed. Seaweed is a vital part of the marine ecosystem, along with mangroves and coral reefs and has an economic and environmental value to the community.

The Philippines is one of the top producers of seaweeds in the world, specifically the red seaweeds - next to China and Japan. Seaweeds are exported either in raw forms (fresh or dried seaweeds) or processed forms (semi-refined chips/carrageenan and refined carrageenan).

We currently have several seaweed nurseries around the island of Capul, Northern Samar, which exports seaweed in its raw forms. Through the development of alternative livelihoods for small-scale fishermen household incomes are given a boost and it helps reduce fishing pressure on over-exploited coastal communities. Plus the seaweed also absorbs damaging carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

Our enterprise has had its ups and downs, including severe typhoon damage earlier this year, but the nursery is now replenished and is due to be harvested at the end of next month.

To find out more about our environmentally-focused enterprises, visit our website.